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Its November...I'm faced with a new enemy...the economy and how it operates

Since Completing NS I've been trying to get a job that traditionally would pay me $1800,
8 hr work day & 1 hr break with 14 days MC, 60 days hospitalization leave dental benefits and other related work no avail...

Sadly, alot had changed in the 2 years that i have been conscripted...

Before NS in 2010, i could still find jobs that was 'traditional' for diploma holders
After NS in 2012 it had become impossible.

Ok where do we start...PAY!

It used to be, that diploma holders would be paid $1800- as a standard market rate
Now its $1300~$1400

It used to be, how well your skills and qualifications are 
and how done up your resume is 
and how you perform in your job interview 
that would determine getting a job or not

Now its more abt your connections 
and ppl you know 
and networks you have that can land you in a job
OR how much you are willing to compromise in terms of pay, treatment, work hours etc.

Why are such things are happening?

I'm still trina get my mind around it and am almost there...
next post i guess...


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