I THINK ITS TIME FOR AN UPDATE... sorry lar never update sooo long... wat to do nth much to update abt... anyways here is sth for show n tell... i saw tis old musty muddy dirty dusty rusty bicycle near my uncle's place... so i took it...n yes fixed it... had me sth to do besides play gears of war!!! which i bought in malaysia when i went there on a short road trip with my family n relatives... we went on last tuesday came back... wednesday... yah oni 1 day but felt very long to me leh... i had a great time makaning good food shopping for games n watching tis malay movie in the theatres : jakan pendang belakang conkact... was damm hilarious...go watch go watch... funny similar to chandi chock to china... but storyline different... here is sth interesting... on the way to malaysia i found out i didnt need to go to ica to get emergency exit permit as my passport still holds valid... during lunch my sis was trying to open a bottle of water when it flew from her hand n landed loudly on ...