I went to catch the new fleet of a-3-30 airplanes with bobby... We saw an a-3-80 land just above our heads and could even smell the air filled with jet fuel n also feel the ground rumbling when the planes were taking off and landing... The reverse thrust the plane geared on to stop the plane when it landed was awesome!!! The a-3-30s are the latest planes tat were bought by the singapore airlines which, btw, have the reputationof having the youngest fleets of planes. Seeing the planes soar past me and land from where i was standing on the open plains just filled me up with a renewed zest for life... ok lar infront of us got highway but ignore tat lar... I even waved at the planes tat were comming. Bobby was like " later they think we asking for help lar! dont lar! " I really thank god for life's extraodinary experiences . Than went to eat at popeyes and come back liao... Tats's all i have byes... Here's a qoute "Champions are withen" PS: XOXO to Tsuji Shi...